Attachment, Neurodevelopment and Psychopathology
with Andrea Landini M.D. in Iceland and online

This course focuses on the development, prevention and treatment of psychological disorder from infancy to adulthood. It weaves together theory, human development, assessment, case examples and treatment applications to reframe maladaptive behavior in terms of strategies for self-protection. The course emphasizes the process of adaptation and developmental pathways that carry risk for psychopathology. The course is aimed at professionals who work with troubled families or individuals, including, psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers, social workers, teachers and nurses.
The aspects of adult development to be covered are chosen to enhance treatment of psychological maladaptation of adults and children (including families with child maltreatment, psychiatric disorder, and criminality). The course emphasizes adaptation and ways to change developmental pathways that carry risk for psychopathology. Reorganisation and building resilience are treated as central to successful intervention. General and Family Functional Formulations will be introduced to highlight DMM Integrative Treatment.
The model used is the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) of Attachment and Adaptation. The DMM is a strength-based model that is relevant to individuals who are at-risk, have been exposed to danger, display disturbed or maladaptive behaviour, or are diagnosed as having a psychiatric disorder. Emphasis is given to how attachment explains maladaptive behaviour and how that is tied to culture and dangerous conditions.
The course will be taught on location in Lifsgaedasetur St.Jó. in Hafnarfjordur (Reykjavik metro area) and also online via Zoom.
Course outline
ANP (Attachment, Neurodevelopment, & Psychopathology) is structured developmentally and consists of lecture with slides, video, and interview transcripts to demonstrate the patterns and principles of development. A set of readings and exercises, tied to each day’s material, is offered.
An introduction is given to the DMM suite of assessments of attachment and adaptation:
CARE-Index (ICI, infancy from birth to 15 months)
Ainsworth Strange Situation (SSP, 11-15 months)
Toddler CARE-Index (TCI, 15-72 months)
Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA, 2 – 5 years)
School-age Assessment of Attachment (SAA, 6-13 years)
Family Drawings (4 -13 years)
Transition to Adulthood Attachment Interview (TAAI, 16-25 years)
Adult Attachment Interview (mid-20’s forward)
NOTE: ANP is prerequisite to all assessment courses, e.g., the Adult Attachment Interview.
Course text
Crittenden, P. M. (2016). Raising Parents: Attachment, Representation, and Treatment. London: Routledge. With additional readings and written assignments, this course can count toward earning the “DMM-informed Mental Health Practitioner Certificate“.
Course programme
Course overview and central ideas
Infant development: the need for parental protection and comfort
The Ainsworth ABC patterns of attachment
CARE-Index (ICI) Assessment with video
Child abuse and neglect
Post-natal depression and psychosis
Preschool development: the need for parent-child protective hierarchy
The coercive and compulsive self-protection strategies
Cross-generational parent-to-child strategies
The Toddler CARE-Index (TCI)
Several of the following: Adoption, foster care, ADHD, autism, child sexual abuse
Reducing coercive behaviour
School-age development: Gaining independence, new attachment figures
Obsessive and deceptive strategies
The School-age Assessment of Attachment (SAA)
Treatment: Hidden problems, recommended and risky practices
Adolescence: Integrating sexuality with attachment
Sexual disorders and sexual offending
Dangerous gaps in services and preventative opportunities
Overview and central ideas of treatment in adulthood
Adult psychological development
Protective strategies associated with severe psychopathology
Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)
Parent Interview
General & Family Functional Formulation
IASA Family Attachment Court Protocol
DMM Integrative Treatment
NOTE: Andrea Landini intends to cover all topics listed above, but dependent on time and audience requirements, cannot guarantee that all areas will be addressed.
Each session includes:
A developmental overview
Information processing as it affects self- and child-protective behaviour
Description of new self-protective strategies that develop at the age level
An application of DMM ideas to generate a novel approach to maladaptation
Treatment strategies drawn from all the major theories of treatment and selected on the basis of information processing and strategy
Learning outcomes
New skills:
Perceiving discrepant behaviour: seeing commonly overlooked clues to trouble
Identifying false-positive affect: uncovering hidden problems in their early stages
Differentiating symptoms and self-protective strategies: specifying how symptoms function
Functional formulation: Moving beyond diagnoses to understanding behaviour
Understanding how exposure to danger stunts adults’ development
Matching treatment to adults’ competencies
Using knowledge of adults’ strategic functioning to identify strengths
Treatment planning – choosing treatment strategies to:
Increase efficiency
Lower cost
Reduce risk of iatrogenic harm
Take-away Tools:
Level of Family Functioning Scale
Gradient of Intervention Scale
Level of Parental Reasoning Scale
Fri, Oct 20, 2023
Sat, Oct 21, 2023
Sun, Oct 22, 2023
Mon, Oct 23, 2023
Andrea Landini
M.D. Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
09:00-16:00 UTC +0 GMT
09:00-16:00 UTC +0 GMT
09:00-16:00 UTC +0 GMT
09:00-12:00 UTC +0 GMT
EUR 760
Lífsgæðasetur St. Jó, Suðurgata 41,
220 Hafnarfjordur
The course will also be
taught online via Zoom