Klínísk inngrip fyrir fjölskyldur í kjölfar sambúðarslita
- Kristine Clay PsyD
Klínísk inngrip fyrir fjölskyldur í kjölfar sambúðarslita
Þetta er námskeið ætlað fagfólki sem vinnur með fjölskyldum sem búa við átök eftir sambandsslit og eru á tveimur heimilum.
Verkefnin eru flókin og krefjast sérhæfðrar þekkingar á mati, íhlutunum og sérhæfingar til að skapa jafnvægi, styðja foreldra í að draga úr átökum, bæta samskipti og smíða nýja samskiptagrundvöll, auk þess að aðstoða börnin við að aðlagast lífi á tveimur heimilum og efla sjálfstyrkingu.
Námskeiðið verður kennt í Lífsgæðasetri St. Jó í Hafnarfirði en þáttakendur geta einnig kosið að sitja námskeiðið í gegnum Zoom fjarfundarbúnað. Námskeiðið er kennt á ensku.
Clinical Interventions in high-conflict dual household families - workshop for professionals
Join us for a workshop for professionals working with families in dual households and struggling in conflict. These are complicated situations requiring specific assessment skills, interventions and specialisation to help create a balance, help parents reduce their inter-parental conflict patterns, improve behaviour and management of a new relationship of “business”, helping parents stop putting children in the middle of conflict, assist children in learning to live in a dual household with their sense of self strengthened and thriving.
Course outline
Understanding high conflict families unique needs.
Becoming skilled in assessing and treating complicated clinical issues including conflict resolution.
The neurology of crisis, promoting emotional safety and managing emotions, using the brain as a tool.
Consequences of high conflict on the developing child.
Learning how to clinically support children in these complex family situations.
Supporting children, reducing their stress neurology and mitigating the consequences to children in between conflict.
Clinical interventions based on attachment theory to help shift the past relationship between co-parents to a new way of relating.
Counseling co-parents in the business skills in relating around the business of the child, working through past trauma of the relationship with the “ex” and moving to structured co-parent relationship.
Assessment and clinical acumen with high conflict personalities, children declining time with a parent, estrangement, parental alienation.
Intractable conflict, children declining contact, estrangement, parental alienation and how to be an agent of healing for your child.
Improving parent child relationships. Helping parents be agents of healing for their children: Supporting children, reducing their stress neurology and mitigating the consequences to children in between conflict.
Who is it for?
The Clinical Workshop is for therapists, social workers, psychologists, parent coaches, teachers, attorneys and other professionals working to support these families.
Onsite & Online
The course will be taught on location at Lífsgæðasetrið St. Jó but participants can also choose to join online via Zoom.
The course is taught in English.
Wes, May 22, 2024
Thu, May 23, 2024
Kristine Clay
PsyD, Doctorate in Psychology
09:00-16:00 UTC +0 GMT
09:00-12:00 UTC +0 GMT
ISK 72,900
Lífsgæðasetrið, Suðurgata 41,
220 Hafnarfjordur