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Námskeið fyrir foreldra:  Minni átök, meiri friður
Kristine Clay PsyD

Maí 26, 2024

Námskeið fyrir foreldra:  Minni átök, meiri friður

Við bjóðum foreldrum, sem glíma við samskiptavanda og átök, að taka þátt í námskeiði sem miðar að því að skapa friðsælla umhverfi fyrir þá og ekki síst börnin þeirra. Markmiðið er að kenna foreldrum nýjar aðferðir til að eiga í samskiptum, takast á við streitu og tryggja barni sínu bestu mögulegu lífsreynslu. 

Námskeiðinu verður seinna fylgt eftir með 3 klukkustundum af zoom færniuppbyggingu og ráðgjöf um efni til að hjálpa til við að þróa færni og innleiða breytingar.

​Námskeiðið verður kennt í Lífsgæðasetri St. Jó í Hafnarfirði en þáttakendur geta einnig kosið að sitja námskeiðið í gegnum Zoom fjarfundarbúnað. Námskeiðið er kennt á ensku.


Overstory Co-parent workshop For High conflict Dual Household families with Kristine Clay PsyD


Join us for a building workshop opportunity for coparents struggling with communication, conflict and wanting to create more peace for themselves and most importantly their children.


This class is for you- the parent to learn a new way of relating, handling stress and promoting your child’s best whole life experience.

The workshop will be followed up with 3 hours of ZOOM skill building and consultation on topics to help progress the skills and change
over time.

Course outline

  • What are the features of healthy co-parent communication and who to improve yours.

  • Changing the Dance-Using attachment theory to help shift the past relationship between co-parents to a new way of relating.

  • The conflict cycle and strategies to interrupt it.

  • Our brain as a tool: Neurology of crisis, promoting emotional safety, thinking about our thoughts.

  • Business skills in relating around the business of the child.

  • Communication with your co-parent: Making proposals and agreements.

  • Boundaries and building gates- learning how to set them and where to flex them if things change,

  • Consequences of ongoing conflict to the developing child.

  • Supporting children, reducing their stress neurology and mitigating the consequences to children in between conflict. 

  • Intractable conflict, children declining contact, estrangement, parental alienation and how to be an agent of healing for your child.

Who is it for?

Overstory Co-parent workshop is for any parent desiring more peaceful interactions, clarity in structure, effective use of boundaries and to reduce stress on a shared child.

Both parents attending is helpful, yet one can initiate change. Parents can attend the workshop with their co-parent or parents can attend the same content on two different days, so everyone feels comfortable learning, sharing and integrating new ideas.​

Onsite & Online

The course will be taught on location at Lífsgæðasetrið St. Jó but participants can also choose to join online via Zoom.

The course is taught in English.


Sun, May 26, 2024**

Plus  3x 1 hour Zoom meetings in June, July and August

* For individual parents​ and for separated parents who want to join together


Kristine Clay

PsyD, Doctorate in Psychology


09:00-16:00 UTC +0 GMT*

*Lunch between 12:00-13:00


ISK 48,600


Lífsgæðasetrið, Suðurgata 41,
220 Hafnarfjordur


The course is taught on location but will also be taught online via Zoom.

Kristine Clay

Kristine Clay

Kristine Clay PsyD, holds a Doctorate in Psychology and is a Licensed Mental Health Counseloris, therapist and developer of the Integrative Parent Coaching Model. Kristine is furthermore the owner of Aspen Counseling Services in Washington, US. and has developed the Integrative Parent Coaching and the Overstory Workshops for families and professionals.

Kristine Clay PsyD

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